Fundraising and Digital Communications

Broad-based community support is the beating heart that keeps your organization alive. Individual donors can be a steady source of unrestricted funds if you have a system in place to attract and retain them. We’ll help you improve your fundraising results by integrating online and offline fundraising tactics, building relationships that raise funds, and better using your existing technology and resources. You’ll build stronger relationships with your supporters, increase donor retention, and methodically attract new donors.

How we work:

We offer a variety of options to fit your budget.

  • Process review for teams that want to understand missed opportunities in their current fundraising tactics
  • Online fundraising jump start for teams that need support for just the online components of their fundraising strategy, including email marketing, social media, and content marketing
  • Annual fund “done for you” for teams focused on major gifts that want to build ongoing support but may not have the people power

Our process:

We work alongside fundraisers to integrate online fundraising in an effective and manageable way that gets results.

  • Audit existing tactics
  • Clearly define target audiences and engagement strategies
  • Implement content marketing, social media, and targeted email campaigns
  • Test and offer ideas for improvement
  • Develop a digital marketing playbook

Digital fundraising success story

We grew individual support for an organization by 63% in two years (a $209,000 increase in the annual fund) with a simple-to-execute online strategy relying on existing systems and technology. We focused on donor retention, increasing average gift size, launching a monthly giving program, and increasing donor engagement between gifts. The organization continues to see annual gains in funds raised – steadily growing between 15% and 20% each subsequent year.

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