Strategy and Planning

We offer strategy and planning services for organizations that need to break out of “business as usual” and achieve sustainable growth.

Your organization gets a clear roadmap to success, improved focus, and alignment of resources with your most critical objectives. We call it a Growth Playbook. More than a plan, a playbook helps define your overall strategy and the steps you’ll take to get there. A playbook gives you the flexibility to use your strategy repeatedly in multiple scenarios as you grow.

A playbook includes:

      • Clear strategy and tactics
      • Standard operating procedures to execute tactics
      • Dashboards to measure progress and success

Our proven formula is:

Purpose + People + Process = Profit


With one playbook and no development department, a community social services organization grew from $1M to $3M in three years. They were able to hire their first Development Director and continue to expand their presence in the community.


Thank you again for the strong leadership you provided us in both development and board development. You made me a believer in the value of consultants at a time when I’d almost given up.


We work alongside leadership, conducting research and facilitating conversations that result in a clear vision, goals, and tactics.

        • Analysis of past results and current workflow
        • Benchmark your past results against peers
        • Collect feedback from stakeholders
        • Create a vision and set goals
        • Define critical success factors and organizational values
        • Develop strategic options and measurable objectives
        • Craft detailed action plans for implementation that best utilize your existing resources


Multi-year plan and playbook


Prospect lists

Fundraising language

Calendar of activities

Custom content depending on your plan: roles, metrics, communication documents, digital plan, etc.


Percentage of nonprofits that have a strategic plan

Source: Bloomerang


Percentage of fast growing companies and organizations that have a strategic plan or business plan in place

Source: Journal of Small Business Management


of employees don't understand their organizational strategy

Source: Harvard Business Review


of organizations do not tie financial budgets to strategic priorities

Source: Harvard Business Review


of boards consider fundraising a strength

Source: BoardSource

non-profit organizations in the United States

Source: Urban Institute, Nonprofit Sector Brief